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My father, sixth of the seven children of his family, was born in July, 1919, in a one-room log cabin on a rented farm near Wentworth in Rockingham County, North Carolina. A later owner of this land burned the cabin in the late 1960s to "get rid of that nuisance." It had stored farm tools for more than 30 observed years, before it was burned, and probably since the Evans family moved out of it.
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While looking around the Web for old pictures, I ran across this shot of a Conestoga wagon with a team hitched up (click on the image to see a larger view):
This picture demonstrates several features of the Conestoga wagon. It clearly shows the "swaybacked" shape of the wagon, which has a floor that has a slight curve with its lowest point in the center. This shape helped to ensure that if the rigors of colonial-era roads jarred the cargo, it would tend to slide towards the center of the wagon, maintaining balance.
Note also that there is no seat on the wagon; the driver is mounted on one of the horses. There is a passenger seated on the side of the wagon, between the wheels.
The term "Conestoga" is sometimes used incorrectly to describe the covered wagons or "prairie schooners" used to traverse the Great Plains as the nation moved west. While some Conestogas went west, most of the prairie schooners were less-expensive flat-bottomed wagons which usually had seating built into the front of the wagon. The craft pictured below is a flat-bottomed covered wagon, not a Conestoga; note the variety of transportation animals in this picture - - the wagon is drawn by a mule and two oxen, and to the left is a rider on a burro:
The style of log-cabin building found in Washington County differs from that ordinarily found in the log structures of Tazewell County, many of which are preserved at the Crab Orchard Museum. Washington County cabins were built with rafter roof systems, rather than purlins, and the builders used rough-cut limestone for chimneys and foundations - - both indicating a greater availability of skilled carpenters and masons.
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This is how the advertisement describes the wares:
The gorgeous autumnal colorings of this quaint hand-turned pottery from the “Hill Country” of Carolina makes it readily adaptable to home decoration. The cool dark green or the warm sunset tones blend charmingly with late summer and early autumn flowers. Several of the pieces shown will also make delightful lamp bases.
All shapes are available in two colors – orange reds with darker markings, and dark green with darker markings. Please specify color when ordering.
The glaze described as "orange reds with darker markings" must have been the chrome-red glaze which was very popular during the Depression years and remains a favorite of modern collectors. The "dark green with darker markings" may be the same as the green and black glaze described in the 1932 Cole Pottery Catalog. Many more shapes and colors were added to the Sunset Mountain Pottery line over the years.
The Treasure Chest and another mountain crafts business, Log Cabin, were combined and incorporated in 1932 as Three Mountaineers, Inc. The business eventually came to focus on wooden furniture and other wooden articles. The Sunset Mountain Pottery line was discontinued in 1935.